Research Projects Funded by the University of Pisa (PRA)

Research Projects Funded by the University of Pisa (PRA)

OSMWARE – hOlistic Sustainable Management of distributed softWARE systems Brogi PRA_2022_64 31/12/2024
FM4HD – Formal methods for the healthcare domain based on spatial information Gadducci PRA_2022_99 31/12/2024
ChildHand: an AI platform for customized diagnostic processes in children with early brain damage Prencipe PRA_2022_81 31/12/2024
Analisi di reti complesse: dalla teoria alle applicazioni Poloni PRA_2020_61 31/12/2022
Metodi informatici integrati per la biomedica Pisanti PRA_2020_26 31/12/2022
Emerging Trends in Data Science Pedreschi PRA_2018_43 31/12/2020
DECLware: Metodologie dichiarative per la progettazione e il deployment di applicazioni Danelutto PRA_2018_66 31/12/2020
Modelli ed algoritmi innovativi per problemi strutturati e sparsi di grandi dimensioni Gemignani PRA_2017_05
Metodologie informatiche avanzate per l’analisi di dati biomedici Milazzo PRA_2017_44
Big Data, Social Mining and Risk Management Pedreschi PRA_2016_15
Through the fog Brogi PRA_2016_64
Project Coordinator Source Start End

University Incentives Call: Horizon and beyond (BIHO)

  • BIHO 2022, Bacciu (AZ.2)
  • BIHO 2022, Bacciu (AZ.3)
  • BIHO 2022, Brogi
  • BIHO 2021, Venturini
  • BIHO 2020, Monreale (AZ.2)
  • BIHO 2020, Brogi (AZ.2)
  • BIHO 2019, Bacciu