The coordination of the research activities of the individual members of the Department is favored by the free constitution of research groups, which typically welcome consolidated skills in a specific area, and in the departmental laboratories, which are orthogonal structures to the research groups, and are identified in the Strategic Plan of the Department. A laboratory can involve skills and people from different research groups, and each group can be involved in multiple laboratories.
Departmental Laboratories
The laboratories have a lean and flexible organization, which favors the inclusion of people in communities with wide-ranging skills. The purpose of the departmental laboratories is to pool the knowledge, scientific and technological skills of individual researchers to carry out frontier, ambitious and innovative research.
Keywords: Machine Learning; Deep Learning; Trustworthy AI; Algorithms for Big Data; Human Language Technologies; Data Intelligence and Applications. |
Website: in preparation. |
Contact: Salvatore Ruggieri. |
The lab researches on all aspects of the information chain for big data analytics, data mining, machine learning and pattern recognition, human language technologies, and trustworthy AI. The lab is committed in a wide range of business-driven and social-good applications as well as in technology-transfer and in teaching at graduate, master, and PhD level.
Keywords: Bioinformatics, Systems Biology, Computational Health, Machine Learning & Data Science for Health, Health Services Optimitazion, IoT and Smart Things for e-Health. |
Website: BioMedInfo. |
Contact: Paolo Milazzo. |
The Laboratory of Biomedical and Health Informatics is a network of research groups and individual researchers of the Department of Computer Science that aims at favoring the collaboration between experts in different Computer Science disciplines and methodologies in research projects with applications in Biology, Medicine and Health.
Keywords: Optimization and operations research; Numerical linear algebra; Applications to machine learning; Combinatorial algorithms on graphs. |
Website: ComMa. |
Contact: A. Frangioni, F. Poloni. |
The ComMa Lab brings together researchers from the Department of Computer Science who work in various fields of computational mathematics, such as optimization, mathematical programming, game theory, network flows, numerical linear algebra, with emphasis on multidisciplinary aspects. The theoretical and methodological results achieved are used to solve real problems that arise in multiple application contexts, such as logistics, transport, health, energy, cloud computing, telecommunications, network theory, artificial intelligence.
Keywords: Programming Language Design, Program Analysis and Verification, Computational Models, Algorithmic Design and Analysis. |
Website: FLab (under construction). |
Contact: Gian Luigi Ferrari. |
Computer science has the dual nature of being an experimental science as well as a basic science concerned with fundamental concepts. Research in the Foundation Lab spans a wide range of theoretically interesting issues whose insights are intrinsically necessary in practice.
Keywords: Internet of Things, Cloud Applications, Healthcare, Software Engineering, Cybersecurity. |
Website: in preparation. |
Contact: Antonio Brogi. |
Computing and communication infrastructures are evolving into a continuum spanning from the Cloud to the IoT, consisting of thousands of distributed heterogenous devices exploiting different software and hardware technologies.
The research in the lab address a variety of applications, ranging from high-performance computing and Cloud/Fog/Edge computing, to digital security and smart cyber-physical systems tackling fundamental issues such as security and energy consumption.
Research Groups
Research groups are structures that foster collaborations of researchers within consolidated research areas, to pursue excellent results.